─ 31th October 2015 ─
前の記事TOKYO&MVFWTで書いたように、10月11-18日東京の渋谷ヒカリエで開催されたMVFWTに参加できる絶好のチャンスを手に入れた。日本人、アジア人の最高のファッションショーを観たことを誇りに思う。そしてそのショーは、その歴史と評判によって、パリ、ミラノ、ロンドン、ニューヨークでのファッションウィーク後、もっと波及効果が出てくると言われている。 初日に、どのショーにも入れるパスポートを手に入れた。日本人の友達が、有名なデザイナーによる絶対見るべきショーを勧めてくれた。それぞれのショーがそれぞれの良さがあった。日本の伝統文化を少し取り入れながら、音楽と融合させてランウェイを歩く演出が、私のお気に入り。 私がMVFWTに参加して思った個人的な意見としては、Joey Badassというヒップホップアーティストに由来する、Tatsuya KimuraやSanae Yoshidaが手掛けたBadassというブランドに注目すべきである。 そのブランドは、日本の男性が憧れる、現代的な男らしさを表現し、アメリカ国旗を使った新作は見逃せない。 I mentioned in the previous blogpost (TOKYO & MBFWT), I'd had a wonderful chance to be part of the MBFWT held in Shibuya Hikarie in October 11 - 18. I was honored to see all fashion shows of the best Japanese and other Asian designers at the MBFWT, which is regarded as having the most potential for disseminating information due to its history and the amount of buzz around is as big as at those fashion weeks in Paris, Milan, London, New York. The first day I got my press pass which had allowed me to enter every fashion show I wanted to attend. My Japanese friends recommended me the most interesting and well - known designers I should definitely see. I must admit that every single fashion show was incredible in a different way. I really liked how they all were slightly affected by Japanese traditional culture that designers put into their collections which were presented by breath taking runway fashion shows and other music performance in one together.
According to my personal opinion of all fashion shows I had seen at MBFWT, I highly recommend you to follow the work of
CHRISTIAN DADA (クリスチャン ダダ) S/S 2016 Collection ‘BALLAD’,
whose collections is described as subculture clash of punk and rock 'n' roll, with a nod to the European high-fashion runways;
DRESSEDUNDRESSED S/S 2016 collection known as clean, cool, minimal street mode
DISCOVERED S/S 2016 and its American MENSWEAR Flag Fashion
Designers Tatsuya Kimura and Sanae Yoshida named their new collection Badass, after the hip-hop artist Joey Badass. This brand is delivering all the contemporary masculine codes a Tokyo boy dreams of and its new American Flag Fashion collection is must have for us.
Renan Pascon S/S 2016 collection
Phillipine fashion star designer.
Ph: @_tessn_
Dan Bailey