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─ 27th October 2015 ─





東京、私が今まで行ったなかで一番魅力的で最高な場所。 MBFWTでのファッションショーの招待状を貰って、それで急に日本に行くことが決まった。行くって決めてから、たった2日間で全部プランニングした。日本に行くのも、MBFWTのファッションショーも、ずっと前からの夢で、新しい冒険だらけの旅。 日本の文化、食、伝統、ファッションは親しみやすくて、前から日本にいるかのような居心地の良さ。それに日本人はいつも優しくて、英語が得意じゃなくても、何とかして私達を助けてあげようとしてくれる。 MBFWTのファッションショーに、友達の@_tessnと毎日行った。ランウェイでモデルが着てるファッションも、お洒落して見に来てる日本人の皆のファッションも素敵。主催団体の運営も完璧だし、日本人の人間性とファッションに完全に満足させられた。スロバキアでもチェコでも、同じように、イベントがスムーズに運営されるといいな。 渋谷ヒカリエ、ガーデンホール、ラグビースタジアムと、いろんな場所でいろんな日本人と有名なアジア人デザイナーの最新ファッションが観れたのもおもしろかった。MBFWTっていう日本のファッションショーに参加できて光栄に思う。 Tereza Nesnidalovaが撮ってくれた写真、見てね!

Tokyo, the most bizard and fascinating place I have ever been to so far. So how did I get there, and why? I had got invitations for fashion shows at MBFWT that made me start to think about the idea of traveling to Japan. I had decided to go and I planned everything in two days. Japan was always one of my dreams and with the MBFWT together, it was a package full of new adventures that I couldn't miss. Japanese culture, food, traditions and street style make you feel like staying there forever. Japanese people are so nice to you every time, even though they barely speak English. However it doesn't change the point that they always try to help you.

The MBFWT was a fashion event which me and my friend @_tessn, were attending every day and where we could enjoy every single moment of runway fashion shows and street style of well-dressed Japanese people around. It was fascinating experience which I wouldn't hesitate experiment every season. Perfection in every single step of organization, Japanese kindness and street style in one hand made us feel absolutely satisfied..Oh, how I wish the same smooth course to our events in Slovakia or Czech Republic.

However, the MBFWT held in Shibuya Hikarie, Rugby Stadium or The Garden Hall brought us the breath taking fashion shows with the newest collections of Japanese and other well-known Asian designers. I am so honored that I could be part of the celebration of Japanese style called the MBFWT.

Enjoy my Tokyo trip pictures took by my friend Tereza Nesnidalova..xx

pics by:

Tereza Nesnidalová (ig: @_tessn_)

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